Using Sencha Touch paired with PhoneGap, Phenomblue created a hybrid iPad app for Bellevue University.
Prior to this app, Bellevue University recruiters – as they travelled from trade show to trade show – had to collect the information of interested parties via paper forms, and manually input the information into a customer relationship management (CRM) system. This app serves the same purpose but allows immediate submission of the form to the aforementioned CRM. Offline app functionality was included, queueing up new leads, and submitting/syncing them once online connectivity has been restored.
The app was distributed via an ad-hoc method and updates were available for users via the iOS OTA (over-the-air) install mechanism.
This entry was posted on Friday, February 10th, 2012 at 08:54. It is filed under Phenomblue, Portfolio, Work and tagged with ad-hoc, AJAX, CSS, Ext-JS, hybrid app, iOS, iPad, Javascript, mobile, OTA, Phenomblue, PhoneGap, Sencha Touch. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
A microsite where visitors could record video of themselves (via their computer’s onboard camera) singing along with the AskDeals jingle track and share the resulting video. The home/landing page of the microsite played an seamless & endless loop of all submitted tracks.
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