A dynamic display ad that took data from the eBay Motors API and displayed said data using the Yahoo Maps API. Geotargeting was used in ad trafficking, allowing the map to initialize at the user’s approximate location.
+ System architecture
+ public & private API integration
+ Flash development
This entry was posted on Saturday, December 8th, 2007 at 18:32. It is filed under Agency.com, Portfolio, Work and tagged with Agency.com, AS2, awards, banners, dynamic display advertising, eBay, eBay Motors, Flash, rich media, Yahoo Maps. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
An immersive environment to introduce the user to the characters and experiences of the new Sony Playstation game Primal. Utilized cut-scene video for level transitions.
Provided Full Stack Development services for Republic Project. Day-to-day technologies used were Flash, HTML5, Javascript, and PHP/MySQL. Republic Project was a startup that was later bought by DG | Mediamind, […]
In the early 2000’s, Nissan was set to relaunch its fabled “Z” model. Chiat was tasked with creating the microsite to build buzz and provide enthusiasts with a few tasty […]
A website for Sony’s upscale boutique brand of home electronics.
Pushdown HTML5 unit for Blue Diamond Almonds & NBC.
Created a WordPress-powered site for a design group in LA. It’s that’s navigable via either desktop & iPad. http://canyondesigngroup.com
Corporate home for TBWA Worldwide. Flash configured itself via a configuration file, which was generated by a TBWA-made CMS admin area. Map/location section utilized Flash Remoting (AMFPHP flavor) to sort/filter through the huge number of TBWA offices before drawing to screen for the user.
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Javascript framework for creating scroll-based, programatic tweens. More information to follow, once it’s formally released.
Dynamic display advertising campaign created for (the online) Nike Store. Applied concepts of polymorphism and runtime compositing to create a lightweight shell which pulled in the proper visual and text assets depending on the configuration received from the server.