Flash rich media expandable unit with animation & video playback functionality.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, June 19th, 2012 at 13:16. It is filed under Freelance, Portfolio, Work and tagged with AS3, banners, Flash, Freelance, paid media, rich media, video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
Pronounced like “chimera”, and modeled after said word… Kimera GPS (“glyph pack system”) is the codename for a process I created wherein “font-packs” are compiled on-demand by the server and fed to dynamic display ads in the wild.
Provided Full Stack Development services for Republic Project. Day-to-day technologies used were Flash, HTML5, Javascript, and PHP/MySQL. Republic Project was a startup that was later bought by DG | Mediamind, […]
An interactive video rich-media ad which follows a woman on her morning run. As she moves through the seasons, her wardrobe changes and a selection menu is displayed behind her. At any given moment, the user can select from the product menu, see details about that particular product, and (if they wish) go directly to that product’s page on the Nike Store site.
A dynamic display ad that took data from the eBay Motors API and displayed said data using the Yahoo Maps API. Geotargeting was used in ad trafficking, allowing the map […]
A website for Sony’s upscale boutique brand of home electronics.
Corporate home for TBWA Worldwide. Flash configured itself via a configuration file, which was generated by a TBWA-made CMS admin area. Map/location section utilized Flash Remoting (AMFPHP flavor) to sort/filter through the huge number of TBWA offices before drawing to screen for the user.
Using the Microsoft Kinect for sensor input, Adobe AIR for display, and a number of open-source drivers/frameworks for everything in-between, Daydreamer was a digital installation project that allowed the user […]
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Combine Adobe AIR with Bluetooth with BlueCove (a lightweight server capable of relaying said Bluetooth data) and you get the, (maybe) cleverly-named “Hello There”. When running, it constantly scaned for Bluetooth devices in-range & made note of their device ID.
A Flash kiosk application created for deployment by Adidas at the 2007 Boston Marathon. When in place, allowed the user to enter their “reason” for running, take a photo (using the kiosk’s onboard camera), and receive a takeaway one-sheet containing (amongst other things) their photo, their reason, and a splash of Adidas branding.