Created a WordPress-powered site for a design group in LA. It’s that’s navigable via either desktop & iPad.
This entry was posted on Friday, October 5th, 2012 at 15:30. It is filed under Freelance, Portfolio, Showcase, Work and tagged with CSS, HTML, Javascript, jQuery, mobile, website, Wordpress. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
A website for Sony’s upscale boutique brand of home electronics.
Flash elements created for the showcase and menu navigation areas of the Breville USA website. My very last lines of code and bugs quashed for Avenue A | Razorfish involved […]
Pushdown rich media unit for Prestone. Involved video playback & a video selector allowing user to watch a second video once the first had completed.
I have a new source of time-suckage, and its name is the Kinect. Back in December, someone hacked Microsoft’s Kinect.. allowing computers to interface and receive raw data from the […]
The successor to 58hours. Where 58hours was devoted solely to Radiohead (and coded according to the single-band premise), randomhours is able to handle data for countless bands. I basically took everything that I’d learned about data-organization
Take a dozen Playstation gamers, fly them to the Naval base in San Diego. Film them going through Navy SEAL training Hell Week. Make a site about the experience.
Pronounced like “chimera”, and modeled after said word… Kimera GPS (“glyph pack system”) is the codename for a process I created wherein “font-packs” are compiled on-demand by the server and fed to dynamic display ads in the wild.
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Using the Microsoft Kinect for sensor input, Adobe AIR for display, and a number of open-source drivers/frameworks for everything in-between, Daydreamer was a digital installation project that allowed the user […]
A Flash kiosk application created for deployment by Adidas at the 2007 Boston Marathon. When in place, allowed the user to enter their “reason” for running, take a photo (using the kiosk’s onboard camera), and receive a takeaway one-sheet containing (amongst other things) their photo, their reason, and a splash of Adidas branding.