In the early 2000’s, Nissan was set to relaunch its fabled “Z” model. Chiat was tasked with creating the microsite to build buzz and provide enthusiasts with a few tasty media bits prior to the launch of the 350Z.
Link to archived site here.
+ Flash development
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 31st, 2001 at 11:44. It is filed under TBWA\Chiat\Day, Work and tagged with AS2, Flash, Flash development, microsites, Nissan, TBWA\Chiat\Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
The successor to 58hours. Where 58hours was devoted solely to Radiohead (and coded according to the single-band premise), randomhours is able to handle data for countless bands. I basically took everything that I’d learned about data-organization
An internal cross-platform smartphone app for use by Phenomblue employees. Aggregated several internal services and provided a web-service-fed employee directory. Also implemented push notifications.
Realtime dashboard for Morrissey Engineering which reflects current status of solar panels & external conditions. Data is retrieved from proprietary solar panel API & cached via PHP & mySQL… and […]
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A dynamic display ad that took data from the eBay Motors API and displayed said data using the Yahoo Maps API. Geotargeting was used in ad trafficking, allowing the map […]
Pronounced like “chimera”, and modeled after said word… Kimera GPS (“glyph pack system”) is the codename for a process I created wherein “font-packs” are compiled on-demand by the server and fed to dynamic display ads in the wild.
A Flash kiosk application created for deployment by Adidas at the 2007 Boston Marathon. When in place, allowed the user to enter their “reason” for running, take a photo (using the kiosk’s onboard camera), and receive a takeaway one-sheet containing (amongst other things) their photo, their reason, and a splash of Adidas branding.
Javascript framework for creating scroll-based, programatic tweens. More information to follow, once it’s formally released.
Created a concise mobile site for Methodist Health System using the Javascript mobile framework jQTouch. Having looked at the analytics for the client’s site, I determined that the current mobile […]
Take a dozen Playstation gamers, fly them to the Naval base in San Diego. Film them going through Navy SEAL training Hell Week. Make a site about the experience.