In the early 2000’s, Nissan was set to relaunch its fabled “Z” model. Chiat was tasked with creating the microsite to build buzz and provide enthusiasts with a few tasty media bits prior to the launch of the 350Z.
Link to archived site here.
+ Flash development
This entry was posted on Wednesday, October 31st, 2001 at 11:44. It is filed under TBWA\Chiat\Day, Work and tagged with AS2, Flash, Flash development, microsites, Nissan, TBWA\Chiat\Day. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
A dynamic display ad that took data from the eBay Motors API and displayed said data using the Yahoo Maps API. Geotargeting was used in ad trafficking, allowing the map […]
Flash rich media expandable unit with animation & video playback functionality.
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Realtime dashboard for Morrissey Engineering which reflects current status of solar panels & external conditions. Data is retrieved from proprietary solar panel API & cached via PHP & mySQL… and […]
A microsite where visitors could record video of themselves (via their computer’s onboard camera) singing along with the AskDeals jingle track and share the resulting video. The home/landing page of the microsite played an seamless & endless loop of all submitted tracks.
Nike’s rich media ad for the 2009 holiday season.
Constructed over two days at Adobe Flash Camp 2008. Avenue Fighter is a political-themed Twitter-controlled street fight done up in classic 8-bit Nintendo “Street Fighter” style.
Created a WordPress-powered site for a design group in LA. It’s that’s navigable via either desktop & iPad.
Provided Full Stack Development services for Republic Project. Day-to-day technologies used were Flash, HTML5, Javascript, and PHP/MySQL. Republic Project was a startup that was later bought by DG | Mediamind, […]
Corporate home for TBWA Worldwide. Flash configured itself via a configuration file, which was generated by a TBWA-made CMS admin area. Map/location section utilized Flash Remoting (AMFPHP flavor) to sort/filter through the huge number of TBWA offices before drawing to screen for the user.