It looks a little chintzy, but YOU try fitting a physics engine, sound AND good graphics into a non-rich media ad. Final ad size fit nicely under the 40k limit… coming in at a svelte 37k
It looks a little chintzy, but it fits vector physics with collision detection, sound AND good graphics into a non-rich media ad.
Final ad size fit nicely under the 40k limit… coming in at a svelte 37k
Link to archived creative here.
+ Flash development
This entry was posted on Friday, February 1st, 2008 at 09:12. It is filed under, Portfolio, Work and tagged with, AS2,, banners, Flash, game. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Javascript framework for creating scroll-based, programatic tweens. More information to follow, once it’s formally released.
A website for Sony’s upscale boutique brand of home electronics.
Affiliatør didn’t get much further than one day of development. This proof-of-concept was born when I had account people telling me about how affiliates were creating their own perverted versions of current eBay ads. I thought to myself “What if eBay affiliates could just download an app that would let them create their own ads with their own copy… but using our design template?
An internal cross-platform smartphone app for use by Phenomblue employees. Aggregated several internal services and provided a web-service-fed employee directory. Also implemented push notifications.
A dynamic display ad that took data from the eBay Motors API and displayed said data using the Yahoo Maps API. Geotargeting was used in ad trafficking, allowing the map […]
Created a WordPress-powered site for a design group in LA. It’s that’s navigable via either desktop & iPad.
The successor to 58hours. Where 58hours was devoted solely to Radiohead (and coded according to the single-band premise), randomhours is able to handle data for countless bands. I basically took everything that I’d learned about data-organization
An interactive video rich-media ad which follows a woman on her morning run. As she moves through the seasons, her wardrobe changes and a selection menu is displayed behind her. At any given moment, the user can select from the product menu, see details about that particular product, and (if they wish) go directly to that product’s page on the Nike Store site.
Combine Adobe AIR with Bluetooth with BlueCove (a lightweight server capable of relaying said Bluetooth data) and you get the, (maybe) cleverly-named “Hello There”. When running, it constantly scaned for Bluetooth devices in-range & made note of their device ID.