Dynamic display advertising campaign created for (the online) Nike Store. Applied concepts of polymorphism and runtime compositing to create a lightweight shell which pulled in the proper visual and text assets depending on the configuration received from the server.
Dynamic display advertising campaign created for (the online) Nike Store. Applied concepts of polymorphism and runtime compositing to create a lightweight shell which pulled in the proper visual and text assets depending on the configuration received from the server. Worked with dynamic ad trafficker Tumri when it came to ad deployment.
The ads shown below are demo units, and aren’t hooked up to any live data.
2008 Back To School campaign
+ Flash development
+ Dynamic adserver integration
2010 World Cup campaign (prototype)
Flash development
This entry was posted on Monday, December 8th, 2008 at 17:39. It is filed under Agency.com, Work and tagged with Agency.com, AS2, AS3, banners, dynamic display advertising, Flash, Nike, Scene7. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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A microsite where visitors could record video of themselves (via their computer’s onboard camera) singing along with the AskDeals jingle track and share the resulting video. The home/landing page of the microsite played an seamless & endless loop of all submitted tracks.
Using the Microsoft Kinect for sensor input, Adobe AIR for display, and a number of open-source drivers/frameworks for everything in-between, Daydreamer was a digital installation project that allowed the user […]
Created a mobile landing page/microsite ad for Honda Civic with a responsive layout. Allowed one codebase to be served to all handsets regardless of OS. Included use of embedded HTML5 […]
An internal cross-platform smartphone app for use by Phenomblue employees. Aggregated several internal services and provided a web-service-fed employee directory. Also implemented push notifications.
A website for Sony’s upscale boutique brand of home electronics.
Flash rich media expandable unit with animation & video playback functionality.
It looks a little chintzy, but YOU try fitting a physics engine, sound AND good graphics into a non-rich media ad. Final ad size fit nicely under the 40k limit… coming in at a svelte 37k
Take a dozen Playstation gamers, fly them to the Naval base in San Diego. Film them going through Navy SEAL training Hell Week. Make a site about the experience.
Combine Adobe AIR with Bluetooth with BlueCove (a lightweight server capable of relaying said Bluetooth data) and you get the, (maybe) cleverly-named “Hello There”. When running, it constantly scaned for Bluetooth devices in-range & made note of their device ID.